Auburn University has a mission of Outreach – engaging the community to improve the quality of life for our citizens. Auburn University Outreach encourages students to take an active role in fulfilling our mission by volunteering and getting involved with local organizations.

The university offers innovative ways for students to engage in a variety of service learning and experiential education activities locally, regionally, and even internationally. These opportunities support learning by application and reflection in course-based service, field experience, directed study, and other engagement experiences.

Browse the service calendar

Students can participate by performing community service with one of our partners or by taking classes with a service learning component. The benefits of using the AuburnServes network:

  • Browse available volunteer opportunities
  • 隔壁老王这个梗是哪儿来的?_百度知道:2021-9-3 · 两种 说法 2113: 1, 隔壁老王是《大头 5261 儿 子小 头爸爸》里面的邻居。有 一集,大家发现 4102 他竟然和大头儿子 长的 1653 一模一样。 2, 出自一个笑话。一对夫妇生了一个小孩,取名叫小白。。。小白渐渐长大了,开始学说话。为了让家里的 ...
  • Receive e-mails when new service projects are posted


Faculty and Staff can participate in the network by registering your class as a service learning class, and by volunteering your entire class for service activities. We encourage you to join our efforts to increase the number of service learning courses available to students.


Community Partners can participate in the AuburnServes network by adding and managing service opportunities for Auburn students.

Want to become an AuburnServes Partner? Fill out a partner request and become a part of the network.


Need an activity to be listed on AuburnServes? Submit an activity request so that others can take part.

Activity Request Form

28岁女性已婚未育,连续面试都被拒绝,我到底该怎么办 ...:2021-8-2 · “老王,我28岁已婚未育,不管是自己投递简历,还是通过猎头招聘,都杳无音信,连面试的机会都没有。即使有面试的机会,面试官一直盘问我什么时间生孩子。我感觉压力非常大,找个工作就这么难吗?”“老王,我27岁…
